change your rules. change your revenue.

Rulebreakers is an elite, 6-month sales training program for coaches, consultants, and creatives

  • Get comfortable "selling yourself" with the most authentic approach to sales on the market.

  • Raise your fees

  • Increase your closing percentage

  • Eliminate objections

  • No cheesy scripts or "persuasion" tactics required.


change your rules. change your revenue.

Rulebreakers is an elite, 6-month sales training program for coaches, consultants, and creatives

  • Get comfortable "selling yourself" with the most authentic approach to sales on the market.

  • Raise your fees

  • Increase your closing percentage

  • Eliminate objections

  • No cheesy scripts or "persuasion" tactics required.

Your current rules are creating your current results.

The rules in your head determine:

✨ What you offer

✨ How much you charge

✨ What you think you're worth

✨ The clients you attract

✨ The way you sell

Your revenue

When we show you how to change your rules, you’ll start playing a much bigger game and getting much better results.

"My husband and I high-fived when I got the first ‘YES!’ on a $25K package

"I joined Chris less than 30 days ago, and I’ve already successfully doubled my fees. My husband and I high-fived when I got the first ‘YES!’ on a $25K package.”


CEO at Warrior Women Inc.
Neuro Identity Evolution Coach, Award Winning Podcaster & Rapid Transformation Coach

Thinking that nobody will pay you the fees you really want to be charging

You know you’re worth more but you don’t think you can charge more. You think to yourself, “Nobody will pay more. Charging more might seem greedy. What would my current clients think?” The truth is that your “rules” - the things you believe to be true - are determining what you charge, who you meet, and what they pay. In Rulebreakers, you’ll learn to see your services, your industry, and your market through new eyes and uplevel your sales skills, so you can feel good about charging the fees you know you need to charge - and you’ll have the evidence that people will pay because you’ll be closing deals at your new rates.

Breaking through your current revenue ceiling will require a radical shift in your thinking.

Together, we have to wipe out your low-ticket beliefs, like…

“Making more money will require too much sacrifice.”

“What if I lose it all?”

“Will I upset people if I charge significantly more than others in my industry?”

“Being super successful will require me to leave important relationships behind.”

I went from hating sales to building a million-dollar business in under 5 years, and guess what?

I didn’t need fancy marketing, a big ads budget, a big team, or a 40-hour work week.

I had to break my own rules.

"Before learning high-ticket sales, I had never sold anything for more than $12.5K”

“Before learning high-ticket sales, I had never sold anything for more than $12.5K. Now, I’m easily getting $25K for my work, and I’m selling the exact same things I was selling before - but now I truly understand their value.”


Creative Director & Brand Designer

Believing it has

to be hard

Entrepreneurs overcomplicate their businesses because of two things: 1) FEAR and 2) a sense of inadequacy. Their business models are an attempt to compensate for the voice in their head that says, “I’m not good enough.” When you change that voice and adopt a viewpoint of true abundance, you stop overdelivering, undercharging, and playing small. Your entire business simplifies, and your revenue GROWS.

“I closed $82K in ONE month, and I cannot imagine having accomplished this without Chris Kenney.”


Relationship Coach

Selling is the doorway to your unlimited income and impact.

Here’s what’s available to you when you learn how to sell.

  • Accelerating your impact

  • Selling thousands from stage

  • Being well-known in your industry

  • Leaving a legacy you’re remembered for

  • Overcoming mediocrity

  • Becoming the first millionaire in your family

  • Making that one person proud

  • Breaking the bonds of generational scarcity

  • Providing the best for your children

  • Experiencing all the world has to offer

  • Changing the trajectory of your industry

  • Helping people, the planet, or the world

  • Fulfilling your greatest potential

  • Dying without regret

If you’re committed to the impact of your work, you must be willing to break any “rules” that threaten that impact.

If you’re committed to the impact of your work, you must be willing to break any “rules” that threaten that impact.

"But Chris! How can I bring in that much revenue? I'm already..."

Working the maximum number of hours

Serving too many clients

Feeling a lack of confidence at my current rates

Spending too much time away from my family

Feeling overwhelmed by my workload

"But Chris! How can I bring in that much revenue? I'm already..."

Working the maximum number of hours

Serving too many clients

Feeling a lack of confidence at my current rates

Spending too much time away from my family

Feeling overwhelmed by my workload

yeah... how's that working out for ya?

if you're saying, "it's not" then let's make a radical change.

“Within the first 30 days of working with Chris, I sold $40K. Before Chris, I had never charged more than $5K to work with me for a year.”


Founder of The Hormone Therapy Institute

Hi! I'm Chris Kenney - master sales coach & million-dollar business owner

And I'm here to teach you how to master high-ticket sales - fast.

When I became a 7-figure entrepreneur, I was working less than 25 hours a week. It didn't require more doing.

It required the inner work.

Thinking more leads will solve all your problems

Everybody wants more leads - but more leads isn’t the answer to your revenue breakthrough. When I broke 7-figures, I maximized every single lead that came into my experience. Instead of closing a lead at $5K, I would turn that lead into $50K. The strategy for breaking through that next-level revenue ceiling isn’t simply about getting more leads. The most important thing is revenue per lead. When you wrap your head around your own value - and master the conversation that leads to a YES on mind-blowing fees - over and over again, you can get ten times the results (or more) with the same number of leads.

My client Sherry was the perfect example...

“When I met Chris, my total income for the year was $105,260.32. Over the past 6 years working with Chris, I’ve earned over $5M+.”

“Would I say working with Chris was worth it? In my best Texas accent - HELL YES!!!”


Learning & Development Expert

Sherry's Million Dollar Breakthrough

When I met Sherry, she was earning just over 6-figures, working really hard, and felt maxed out on clients - but she also wanted to earn a lot more money.

She was a single mom. Her kids were teens, and in her heart of hearts, she had no idea how she was going to pay for their college - a six-figure bill that was fast approaching.

She also had a deep passion for her work and knew she could help so many more people if she could just break through her income ceiling.

When she met me, Sherry had no idea how she’d ever reach $200K.


“I need to find different clients who are willing to pay more.”

“I need to learn how to explain my packages better.”

“I need a better website, funnels, and social media.”

She thought - for sure - she had a marketing problem. But what she really had was an emotional problem.


Even though she was a strong, independent woman who marched through the halls of Fortune 500 companies with a million-dollar smile, Sherry lacked confidence.

This caused her to dramatically undercharge.

She was unskilled in high-ticket sales & her business wasn’t structured so that she could easily fulfill a million dollars in revenue with her current model.

Sherry thought she needed some complicated help with marketing, but in fact, all Sherry needed to do to go from $100K to $800K+ was for somebody to get in her head and sort out her thinking.


“I need to find different clients who are willing to pay more.”

“I need to learn how to explain my packages better.”

“I need a better website, funnels, and social media.”

She thought - for sure - she had a marketing problem. But what she really had was an emotional problem.


Even though she was a strong, independent woman who marched through the halls of Fortune 500 companies with a million-dollar smile, Sherry lacked confidence.

This caused her to dramatically undercharge.

She was unskilled in high-ticket sales & her business wasn’t structured so that she could easily fulfill a million dollars in revenue with her current model.

Sherry thought she needed some complicated help with marketing, but in fact, all Sherry needed to do to go from $100K to $800K+ was for somebody to get in her head and sort out her thinking.

That's all you need too.

That, and a little practice with my I-HELP Selling System.

Super interested but need more info?

Book a call with Chris to discuss the program & see if it's right for your needs.

In Rulebreakers, you’ll change the 7 most important aspects of your business:

  • #1 - Adopt a high-ticket pricing model based on the lifetime value of your services (not your own self-worth)

  • #2 - Stop overdelivering & work in an energizing way where you earn the most for what comes easiest

  • #3 - Fully own your value to the marketplace

  • #4 - Learn to lead your potential client through a powerful sales call outline called The I-HELP Selling System

  • #5 - Stop feeling sales-y and get comfortable talking about money

  • #6 - Learn to address objection by selling around the ego

  • #7 - Stop blaming your marketing and start maximizing every lead you get by mastering our authentic, intuitive approach to sales

You think something external will fix an internal problem.

It’s not the people. It’s not the leads. It’s not that the market won’t support higher fees. It’s that you haven’t done the internal work to really own your value at the next level, no matter what price point that represents. In order to make quantum leaps, my recommendation is to get around someone who has already done it and elevate at lightning speed by integrating their ways of being.

Sales is the “kingpin skill” that opens the gates to next-level revenues and unleashes sh*tloads of confidence.


As you elevate, you will manifest elevated people. When you move out of a lower-ticket mindset, you’ll confidently charge higher and higher fees.

The reason you DON'T already have:

  • high-ticket fees

  • high-ticket offers

  • high-ticket buyers

at the level you know you’re worth is because you have been operating from a low-ticket IDENTITY.

When you join Rulebreakers, you’ll adopt the mindset, the skillset, and the ways of being to turn your intentions of wealth, abundance, and impact into cash in the bank.

Master Sales Coach Chris Kenney

& Brand Positioning Expert Julie Cabezas


Whether you’re at the beach

At a networking event

Standing in line at Starbucks

Or sitting in first class ;)

When I met Sherry, her average sale was around $3k.
Now, closing $100K contracts is a breeze for her.

And she’s even closed packages at $250K - where the client paid in cash, in full, upfront.

Today, her annual bottom-line profits are just short of $1M per year.

Rulebreakers contains everything you need to raise your fees and successfully close clients at your new rates.

One sale in this program (that you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise) will recoup your entire investment before the program ends!

If you are a talented coach, consultant, or creative who has never had any formal sales training and you know you could be charging more, Rulebreakers will help you raise your fees, increase your closing percentage, and enroll more clients by learning how to sell.

Ready to join me?

You think that when your messaging is good enough, your work will sell itself.

The truth of the matter is good selling trumps everything. You’re leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table because you’re blaming your leads, your messaging, and your marketing - when what you need to do is master your selling. You’re not closing at the rates you really could be because you don’t currently have a level of mastery in sales that allows you to do so.

A 3-Day Masterclass for 6 and Multi-6-Figure Coaches, Consultants, and Creatives Who Want to Break Through the 7-Figure Revenue Ceiling

With Master Sales Coach Chris Kenney

& Brand Positioning Expert Julie Cabezas

With Master Sales Coach Chris Kenney & Brand Positioning Expert Julie Cabezas

Starts Monday, June 3, 2024

Starts Monday, June 3, 2024

Allow us to teach you our proprietary approach to high-ticket sales that has helped thousands of service-based entrepreneurs 
raise their fees and close $25K - $100K+ high-ticket packages.

What We Cover In This Free 3-Day


Day 1


Remove the Invisible Barriers to 7-Figures

You don’t need a new funnel or better marketing to hit 7-figures. Learn to see the value of your work through the eyes of a 7-figure entrepreneur. Integrate the self-confidence you need to support an immediate, significant price increase for sustained cash confidence in any market.

Monday, June 3

1 pm EST (New York) 6 pm BST (London)

Day 2


Set Yourself Apart By Selling with Radical Truth

The entrepreneurs who crush it in the face of adversity are more influential. They know the most effective method to convert prospects to clients, despite market conditions: uncovering profound truth during the sales call. Learn how in this session.

Tuesday, June 4

1 pm EST (New York) 6 pm BST (London)

Day 3


Close High-Ticket Clients Faster by Igniting Immediate Action

Tips, tricks, and scripts don’t work. Unlearn every cheesy, cookie-cutter sales technique you’ve ever heard and embody the “ways of being” that actually work with elite-level clients and move them to action.

Wednesday, June 5

1 pm EST (New York) 6 pm BST (London)



Rulebreakers is a 6-month experience where you’ll reflect upon, revise, and reinvent your identity as an entrepreneur.


You’ll reflect upon your body of work, your pricing, and your approach to enrolling the clients you REALLY want.


You’ll revise the rules you live and sell by - not to copy ours but to honor what’s true for you - the rules that will set you up to realize your income goals and the impact you want to make.


You’ll reinvent your identity as an entrepreneur in this world, so you can command and receive more money than you’ve ever made in your life by integrating the mindset, the skillset, and the ways of being that make next-level success inevitable.

Through this process, you’ll change how you see your own value, who you attract, what you charge, and how you sell.

Practical Changes You'll Make


1. Learn to appreciate the “lifetime value” of the client transformation you already provide, so you feel justified in raising your fees without having to work more hours.

2. Repackage your coaching, consulting, or creative services into High-Ticket Offers, so you stop overdelivering and start getting your clients even more impressive results in a fraction of the time.

3. Maximize every lead you get, increase your closing percentage, and start enrolling clients at your new premium fees by following a simple yet powerful sales call outline called The I-HELP Selling SystemTM.

4. Learn to sell without feeling salesy or using cheesy “persuasion” scripts. Adopt an authentic selling framework that allows you to be who you really are from start to finish.

5. Get comfortable talking about money and overcoming “price objection” on sales calls, even when you hear, “I can’t afford it.” “It’s too expensive.” or “Let me think about it.”

6. Overcome the fear, resistance, and self-doubt that stop you from fully embracing how talented you are. Stop blaming your leads, messaging, and marketing, and start owning your worth, so you attract the kinds of high-ticket clients you really want to work with, breakthrough your revenue ceiling, and multiply your incredible impact.

7. Increase your income quickly as you learn & implement our simple, intuitive approach to selling.

What You Get When You Join


    Spend 6 months immersed in leveling up your sales skills


    Learn the I-HELP Selling SystemTM, a complete step-by-step approach to running the high-ticket sales call


    Learn the mindset, the skillset, and the ways of being that translate into 6 and 7-figure breakthroughs


    Gather with other elite-level entrepreneurs for deep, transformational live coaching experiences in a group setting, twice a month


    Listen in as Chris critiques actual sales calls of past and current clients, uncovering unseen buying motivators and gently leading potential clients to clarity


The confidence and freedom that comes with being able to slow down, work in a more powerful way, and enroll clients whenever you desire is priceless.

What will change for you when you expand?

Our goal is to create a sincere, supportive, and discrete space for you to reinvent your relationship with money, selling, and legacy.

The experience inside of Rulebreakers is supportive, non-judgemental, and direct.

You’ll receive group coaching experiences, shared discussion, exercises, and reflection tools to allow you to gently become aware of and release (if you choose) any “rules” that are preventing you from expanding your wealth and impact.

You’ll also see how to adopt expansive viewpoints and effective sales skills that will support you to reach your goals.

Ready to break some rules & accelerate your income?

Let's do this.




6-pay installment



Need a few questions answered?


What if I already have a high closing percentage?

If your closing percentage is really high, it likely means you need to raise your fees. Would you like to earn more while working with the same number or fewer clients? If so, we can help you accomplish that in Rulebreakers.

What if I’m already earning high revenues in my company?

We have Rulebreakers who start at $0 and we have Rulebreakers who have already surpassed $500K. If you have a question as to whether this is the right container for you or if you might be interested in a more private container, book a call here.

What if I’m brand new in business?

Rulebreakers will teach you selling from the ground up. I wish I had learned this from the beginning of my career. I would have increased my impact and greatly multiplied my income early on. If you are brand new, I’m so glad you’re here and I welcome you into the program.

What does Rulebreakers include?

Rulebreakers includes a 6-month group coaching experience with twice a month coaching calls, access to Sales Mastery Academy, access to 12 video trainings on high-ticket sales, and 6 pre-recorded sales breakthrough calls.

What happens after 6 months?

You are welcome to renew your membership in Rulebreakers as many times as you like, or you can elevate into another coaching program of your choice.

Do I get lifetime access to the materials?

No. You only receive access to the training content while you are in the program. Any materials available for download are yours to keep forever.

Who is this program for?

Rulebreakers is a sales training program for coaches, consultants, and creative service providers who sell one-on-one services, consulting, or group coaching program.

What if I have a brick and mortar business?

 If you have face to face or telephone/Zoom sales conversations, Rulebreakers can help you. If you’re unsure as to whether Rulebreakers is the right program for you, simply book a call to discuss.

Are there any refunds?

No. Rulebreakers is a commitment we’d like you to take seriously. This body of work can change your life. Please decide to enroll when you’re 100% committed to getting uncomfortable, taking action, and elevating your results.

Will this work for me if I struggle with tech?

If you can use Zoom, you can be a part of this program. You only need a cell phone and a wifi connection!

Will I get feedback on my progress during the program?

Absolutely. If you show up and ask questions, you will receive feedback regularly and consistently throughout the program.

I’m really uncomfortable with sales. Will these techniques work for me?

Selling is your #1 job as an entrepreneur. We promise that this sales framework is the most authentic one on the market. It is not pushy, aggressive, or manipulative. There is no “persuasion” or cheesy script-following. We will teach you how to uncover the REAL reasons you’re uncomfortable with sales and show you the way to change your thinking to feel aligned with selling. After all, selling is service - when done with compassion, honesty, and truth.

With that being said, it is up to you to push through discomfort and take action. Without action, no sales technique will ever work. You will be required to have real conversations with strangers. If you’re not up for that, this program is not for you.

Ready to break some rules & accelerate your income?

Let's do this.




6-pay installment



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Ready to master the art of high-ticket sales?


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